Blog Audit

Hey everyone! It is week 8 of the Student Blogging Challenge, and it’s the final week sadly.

I’m here to write a reflection of my time writing on my blog for this challenge. I’m not meaning to be self-centered, but I thought I did fairly well for my first try! I had loads of fun and met some super cool people. Overall, I liked this challenge a lot! I made sure to always participate and never fail to be late on a task.

Thank you everyone for staying in touch and commenting. I hope to see you all again. Goodbye, adios, au revior, addio!



Hello everyone! As you know, this week for the Student Blogging Challenge is Celebrations and Festivities. I am a christian myself, so we do celebrate Christmas and Easter and cherish them.

I am from America, so that means the holiday Thanksgiving is coming up. Thanksgiving is when the Pilgrims made peace with the Native Americans and had a large feast which they harvested and shared! To this day, Americans celebrate it across U.S.A in their own way! Here are some images found on Pixabay to represent Thanksgiving!

Emoji Time

Hello everyone! Today is emoji week, and I’ve put together three activities for you all to look at.

With this one, I have replaced some words with emojis! Try and figure what I said.

It is very ❄ out today. If it were snowing, then I would like to make a ☃! Yet, it wasn’t cold enough to snow.

Next, guess the movie! I put together some emojis to form a movie. Figure out which one it is! (Hint: A Disney movie.)

🦁 + 🦁 = 🐱👑☀ 🌴🌴🐆🐅🐂🐘🦍🐒

Finally, figure out what each emoji equals.

🌮 + 🌮 = 12

🍕 + 🍕 + 🍕 = 60

🍍 + 🍍 + 🍍 = 150

Now, that’s all I’ve got to share for this week of the SBC. I hope everyone enjoyed, and make sure to comment! Have a great day!

Music Week

Hi everyone! I’m back with week five of the SBC.

Week five is all about music, and I’ve decided to research and tell you about some information about that I like and you may know… Michael Jackson! Yes, Michael Jackson, a best-selling artist and one of our centuries greatest pop artists.

Michael was born in Gary, Indiana on August 19, 1958. He was the best selling artist in the United States for 2009, the year of his death. Around 35 million of his albums were sold worldwide in the 12 months after he died. Now isn’t that neat? I find that amazing!

I’m sure most of you know the song Thriller by Michael Jackson. It was very popular and still thrives to this day! Well,the album Thriller was number one on the Billboard Chart for 37 weeks. That’s crazy!

Now, that’s all for this week! I love feedback and comments from you all so please comment. Bye everyone!

(P.S check out my school’s student blog! It has some cool stuff



Fluffy and white

You see them day and night

Soft like a pillow

White like a polar bear

Spotted throughout the sky

Oh boy, they’re so high!
